If you’re looking for additional storage solutions in your home as well as loft boarding, then you’re in the right hands.
Explore The Garage Store, our sister company, whose goal is to help you to create a functional and organised garage space. Their extensive range of effective wall storage solutions features cabinets, shelves, bike racks, and more. Enhance your garage with wall panels with accessories tailored to your needs, resilient floor tiles, and even ceiling storage solutions.
The Garage Store’s wall-mounted storage configuration optimises the usable space in your garage, transforming it into a practical and efficient storage solution.
Instaloft is the UK’s largest installer of loft storage solutions and the award-winning LoftZone StoreFloor Raised Loft Floor System. Offering Nationwide coverage with the only BBA approved Loft boarding system designed to protect your insulation and energy efficiency.
Instaloft Ltd,
Unit A Lodge Park, Hortonwood 30, Telford, TF1 7ET
Instaloft Ltd, Unit A Lodge Park, Hortonwood 30, Telford, TF1 7ET
Designed by Digital Marketing Agency, Damteq®
Instaloft LTD is registered with Companies house at Unit A Lodge Park, Hortonwood 30, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 7ET in England & Wales. Company number 09273081